When you work as a freelancer you learn to deal with the ups and downs of your industry.
For example, since I tend to be busy most of the year apart from January and February, I usually work on my showreel and take stock of the previous year during these months, and prepare for the New Year to come. But when an unexpected dry spell happens you realise how important it is to stay focus and motivated. Admittedly, Brexit has been tougher than I thought it would be, since I work mostly with ad agencies, cut down budgets have lead to less work this year than in previous ones. Saying that, I have been working regularly enough to survive the drought but the difference between the last few years and this one has been too big for my inner voices to be ignored. The challenge has been to find a positive way to bounce back on these odd days out. Here is how I keep calm and carry on: 1. Take 5 and take stock. Take the time go to industry related shows, exhibitions, 'actually go' to the cinema, catch up with industry magazines, all these things I don’t usually have time for!! Get the creative flow going and be inspired.
2. Catch up with people in the industry (old faces and new ones) go out for coffees or make new connections.
3. Join online industry related forums (I don’t always participate but I read a lot of interesting stuff there).
4. Explore new side business ideas… my new one is offering one to one trainings, makes me take stock of what I know too.
5. Keep learning, check out new DVR tutorials. So nothing really new here but just a reminder on how to stay productive in this current economic and political climate.
But of course, take work when the work is there...
I’ve just finished working on a short observational documentary about 7 times gold medallist Aliya Mustafina...

Graded various commercial fashion campaigns...

...Including the Antares Barcelona commercials 2019

And I am currently working on some funky new O2 music series, in collaboration with a talented team in trendy Shoreditch area.

As well as test grading some footage in preparation for a short… more to come soon hopefully.
(exploring a very earthy and vintage colour palette, see these walks are paying off !!).